Trade Credit Insurance

Cover your product sales and shipments against the risk of non-payment

Product sold and shipped on credit leave your business vulnerable to non-payment for a variety of factors that are outside of your control. Western Growers Trade Credit Insurance mitigates the risk of non-payment when doing business internationally. It can also protect your business domestically, when terms of sale are in excess of PACA protection. Our customized policies are available for sales made on; open account, letter of credit, documentary collection or documents against acceptance terms.

Most lending institutions will not lend against foreign receivables unless they are insured. Trade credit insurance allows you as the seller to make available additional liquidity in your borrowing facilities. Through our strategic global alliance with JLT Specialty USA, we are able to provide you with access to specialists who understand credit, political, and security risk unique to agribusiness.

Ensure that coverage is in place when the unpredictable occurs

Western Growers Trade Credit insurance covers specific events, including:

Bankruptcy of Buyer
Non Payment of Buyer
Political Events
Currency Fluctuation